"Holy Week"

Well guys this is holy week for us Catholics, Easter we call it. Now it does not mean we are or feel we are more holy than the next person. It simply means that this is the week we recognise and focus on events that transpired from the day Jesus had thorns placed on his head to his death on the cross and the day he rose from the dead, all for us.

We value this time because of the trials Jesus went through but still he was able to resist temptation and die for us. He has single handily demonstrated his passion for us by dying for us. The closest you will ever get to that type off love is a mother willingly to give up her life for her child.

So guys in what ever way you can do stop and give thanks to your maker for deciding to die on your behalf.

Remember this week we have Holy Thursday mass (Jesus washed the feet off his disciples), Good Friday, Gloria Saturday and Easter Sunday and ponder on what each day represents. They don't simply mean long weekend or holiday weekend for Trinidadians alone they mean more than that hence the name "Holy Week"

Take care guys and God's Richest Blessings to you and your family

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