Caring for our parents...cont'd

Well guys my brother took our dad to a chiropractor on yesterday and after having an x-ray it was diagnosed that he does not have scoliosis. The doc also said his disease progressed to quickly for it to be scoliosis he suggested it maybe a collapsed vertebrae or spinal something....I can't remember. The doc referred him to the hospital so guys it is off to the hospital clinic next week to get him joined so he can receive free services from the country's best chiropractor...yayyyy

Now you see why it is so important to care for our parents..My dad is being emotionally stressed by this condition and he stresses our mom because off this so when Gods willing he gets the medical attention to resolve (God willing) this problem then he can be happy again and mother can be a little less stressed.

People do remember to keep an eye on your parents and care for them not for their bank account, or house or land but for loVe ok???

So guys I will keep you posted as the weeks go by on what the final chiropractic analysis turns out to be..

Do enjoy your weekend and take care!!!


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