Things to enjoy before first baby is born...
Peeps for all the first time baby daddies & mummies out there here are a couple off things you must do before that baby comes, because believe you me when your little bundle of joy arrives "FREEDOM" as we know it will be no more. Mind you, there is no way you would want to go back to the time before you gave birth but please be aware your life becomes completely transformed!!!
Before your babies birth make sure to engage in not all but some off the following:-
Before your babies birth make sure to engage in not all but some off the following:-
- A nice quiet morning cup off tea & the papers
- A nice lunch with anyone you desire
- A cool, quite & uneventful trip to a public toilet
- Shopping that involved just your pocket book and the clothes on the rack
- A toilet break that does not have two little eyes watching and waiting
- Sleep that is only interrupted by your husband or your alarm
- Chatting on the phone with your girl friend for hours uninterrupted.
- Sleeping when you want and for how long you want
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