Why a blog??

Good morning peeps, everyone keeps asking me what my blog is about. Well for the record it is called "oVer 30 & LoVing it!!" so it is all about not giving up on life after you reach your 30s. You can still do anything you want to do and my blog shows you how to embrace life when you hit your 30s and your hormones step in and tell you that you are slowly approaching "oVer the hiLL".
Lmao, oVer the hiLL is so retro and alot off women seem to feel when they reach 30, that's it, well I have news for you ladies life has now began.
At 30 you have more self confidence, more independence and you are more mature and making your own decisions. That's where my blog comes into play. It gives you ideas on how to treat your body when you reach 30 & oVer and how to manage your kids with their many issues, your relationships and all the fun you can have from travelling, dating and shopping, I mean we deserve the best at this phase in our lives...

Okay peeps so we will chat later do have a safe and exciting (hmmmm) night/morning

So peeps if you are still wondering what my blog is about I will try to link all my pages so you can better get the feel for it and want to read, read, read but I really want my blog to be a "Discussion Corner" where you can hear me tell my stories and give some advice and you can give your opinion and advice and we can be a comfort for each other.

Laterzs peeps


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