More Diet & Exercise Tips..

Hey guys I'm back with some more diet and exercise tips and reminders.

  1. If you have diabetes in your family like mine do ensure you watch what you eat and try to exercise for the max every day at least 30 mins a day or every other day for at least 2o mins.
  2. Remember to have your glass off water every hour, there is flavored water for those off us who don't like plain water.
  3. Remember to write down in your diary or journal what you eat on a daily basis until you can control your daily intake.
  4. Remember everyone is different and the diet and exercise plan that your friend is on may not work for you so design yours to suit your daily lifestyle commitments.
  5. Remember to weigh yourself at the end off the week and journal it to see how you are progressing.
  6. Also guys remember as you exercise you need to change up your workout routine because your body will get accustomed and stop shedding the weight.
Well guys take care off yourselves because someone out there loves you                                                                                                          


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