Hell No Corner

Guys this corner was designed to keep us on track. I like it because it puts some perspective on how I react to situations that face me on a daily basis. Our reactions really comes down to how much we love ourselves and our family.

Here is how the "Hell No Corner" works.....

  • Ladies if you already have kids and have started a new relationship, making a baby for that new man without a wedding ring is your hell no moment. My advice is to get on the pill as fast as possible and work on the ring before you become another mans' baby making machine.
  • Guys if you think a flashy/sporty car and a younger woman can bring back your youth, that is your hell no moment. My advice is to try some diet and exercise it does wonders for low self esteem.   
  • Parents/guardians if your kids answer you back for hat ever reason that is your hell no moment. My advice is to stop them one time in their tracts and let them know who is boss b4 it is to late or call supper nanny lol.

Have a gR8 one guys and be safe, love you all and remember to embrace your hell no moment as it will save you lots off heart & headache and many bad investments.

Take care


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