
Showing posts from March, 2012

Lenten Recipes Tips

Well guys with Lent as the main focus for many off us these days, finding things to eat because we are fasting has become a struggle and challenge. I know a lot of you are running out of ideas as we get closer and closer to Good Friday but let me give a couple of recipes ideas. Actually I have a few ideas but you can use these for now. Tuna with sweet corn and Basmatie or Jasmine rice Tuna with vegetables and mac and cheese Salt fish mixed with smoked herring and provisions (your favorite type) and lentil Baked fish with bar-b-que sauce, macaroni pie and baked beans.

Holiday Time

Well guys yesterday was a holiday in my country called "Baptist Holiday" I am not a baptist but I sure enjoyed my day. I did some relaxing and a little studying (1 hour). It was guilt driven of course lol. I also took the opportunity to change out my bedroom and shower curtains. I was just in that mood. I  went to check out my parents in Valencia around 10 pm I'm back home and now I'm going to watch some television and bed. So guys do get some much needed rest and relaxation over this long weekend and get ready for work on Monday please God. Hugs

eXams AgaiN!!

Good evening folks you know something when you reach a certain age and you have a husband, kids, pets to tend to plus a job it can be so damn frustrating trying to manage it all and study. Some people can do it all with their eyes close but for those off us who hate studying, especially at this tender age well its a total nightmare. You would also recall from a previous post me saying how I hate to study. I am one of those people who after achieving their first degree thinks its time to hang up the study cap. But for no apparent reason I always find myself back in front of a text book, but I have made a promise to myself this time when I have completed my ACCA qualification this would be my last major course, I will be burning my study cap finally!!!!!

The Hoody....caused it!

My thoughts on the death off Trayvon Martin is one off sadness. Why are people killing so senselessly? Is the firing of a gun the one and only solution. There is a motto that once you have a gun you have the legal right to kill. Why can't a gun be used to shoot someone in the foot or leg which would be less life affecting or threatening? Can't a stun gun be used instead, especially by the police. Maybe anyone who shoots someone should have a 85% off going to jail, then maybe there will be more caution paid to who we shoot and when. Now this 17 year old won't live to become a member off our "oVer 30 & LoVing IT" team, very very sad.

Aches & Pains

Guys news flash getting to "oVer 30 & LoVing IT!!" is associated by it fair share of "Aches & Pains". Be it mind, body or emotions related. Isn't it mind boggling how as we get older, and seem to be in more control off our lives because we are some what more independent that "Aches & Pains" start to manifest itself.  It is so scary because when you are young you hardly ever give them a second thought.

Caring for our parents...cont'd

Well guys my brother took our dad to a chiropractor on yesterday and after having an x-ray it was diagnosed that he does not have scoliosis. The doc also said his disease progressed to quickly for it to be scoliosis he suggested it maybe a collapsed vertebrae or spinal something....I can't remember. The doc referred him to the hospital so guys it is off to the hospital clinic next week to get him joined so he can receive free services from the country's best chiropractor...yayyyy

Caring For Our Parents

One of the things we have to look out for as we get oVer taking care off our parents. They need us more and more as we get older because believe it or not they are getting older also. Most folks tend to get all caught up in their lives and forget the main reason for their existence is the love of their parents. These days my life is all consumed with my parents because they are both over 70 and for what it's worth they became more dependent on me when my dad started to get scoliosis. It saddens me to see how a strong, large frame man can get to this point in just over a couple years. I feel sad but I try to be all strong and in control. What can you do but "be there for your parents" you then to become so over protective off them that you get all caught up emotionally in caring for them.

Diet & Exercise tips...again

Good night peeps for those off you who seem to be having trouble with my Diet & Exercise Tips you can check out this link It is an American Heart Association 3 Day Diet . Good luck guys let me know how it is going for you, my diet is going just fine. Take care

Studying Blues

Well guys I am repeating an exam in June and I'm not a happy camper. I really hate studying these days I just prefer to work, deal with my family and lime. Yup that's where I am in my life, sorry if some of you have a problem with that.  So now I'm going to listen to some on-line lecturer and then it's off to bed. Why can't I just win a lotto or some mega lottery ticket???? Any ways guys moneys done spent and time already invested so it is back to the crunch. I'm doing ACCA and it is very hard when you work, have a family, love the television and don't like to attend classes. I think I'm between a rock and a hard place and running out off excuses why I so hate to study. Steups Any suggestions guys??? Help wanted a.s.a.p!!!

Weekend Time!!!

Well folks another weekend is here and it is pace for so. It is all about getting everything done so i can enjoy my weekend "Time Out". Saturday begins with cleaning and feeing our three dogs, then I take my 6 year old son to football practice (soccer), head off to the grocery while he is there, head back home to being washing, and start cooking, rush back to pick up my son dart off to the mall to change a pair off pants for him, fix two watches, get him something to eat then off to home. I usually will have a cup off green tea to start me off on the right foot.

Diet & Exercise Tips

Well peeps here are some of my Diet & Exercise Tips As we get older it is harder to shed the weight because we tend to get more aches and pains and it becomes a tad bit harder to exercise as we should. Sad but true, especially for those of us who never exercised before. Also don't forget to check out the cool diet_diary tab on my blog it works for me.

Bullying continues....

Well peeps we were supposed to be having discussions, as often as possible on the topic "Bullying @ Schools". It seems that people don't have a voice because I only got one comment (thanks to that person). Apparently the majority off people ONLY react to something if it affects them directly. But we must also know that our kids learn from how we live our lives. If lets say for example, your kid happens to mention that a kid got bullied @ school how you react and the type off questions you ask will leave a lasing impression on them. You have to be interested whether it affects them directly or indirectly. You must have a voice and encourage your kids to have a voice also.

Things to enjoy before first baby is born cont'd

Hey peeps just adding a couple more things to the list of "Things to enjoy b4 1st baby" 9. Uninterrupted studying 10. Spontaneity 11. Nuff liming and partying with not a care in the world 12. Lots of extra moneys to spend, spend, spend

Things to enjoy before first baby is born...

Peeps for all the first time baby daddies & mummies out there here are a couple off things you must do before that baby comes, because believe you me when your little bundle of joy arrives "FREEDOM" as we know it will be no more. Mind you, there is no way you would want to go back to the time before you gave birth but please be aware your life becomes completely transformed!!! Before your babies birth make sure to engage in not all but some off the following:- A nice quiet morning cup off tea & the papers A nice lunch with anyone you desire A cool, quite & uneventful trip to a public toilet Shopping that involved just your pocket book and the clothes on the rack A toilet break that does not have two little eyes watching and waiting  Sleep that is only interrupted by your husband or your alarm Chatting on the phone with your girl friend for hours uninterrupted. Sleeping when you want and for how long you want   Can you mothers out there like myself pl...

Diet & Exercise

Well guys if you follow me you will see that I LoVe to exercise but the diet part I have to work at very often. Currently I am addicted to Zumba and I would like my peeps to check out the two links below. Anyone who needs dvds I can hook you up ok!! A word to the wise a diet change goes hand in hand with your exercise program.. ZuMba1 ZuMba 2 Next time I will tell you how much I weighted before Zumba and how much I weight now and what my diet regime is all about. I may even include a before & after pic if i feel like it. lol Ok peeps we will chat tomorrow take care off yourself and your love ones...hugs

Why a blog??

Good morning peeps, everyone keeps asking me what my blog is about. Well for the record it is called "oVer 30 & LoVing it!!" so it is all about not giving up on life after you reach your 30s. You can still do anything you want to do and my blog shows you how to embrace life when you hit your 30s and your hormones step in and tell you that you are slowly approaching "oVer the hiLL". Lmao, oVer the hiLL is so retro and alot off women seem to feel when they reach 30, that's it, well I have news for you ladies life has now began.

Bullying @ Schools

Hi Peeps good night!! Part 3 off our topic.... I just wanted to add some thoughts on this topic that is rampant in all schools world wide. Last time we were looking @ peer pressure as another contributing factor to Bullying @ Schools. It is so sad when a child has to stoop to any level to fit in with the crowd. These kids want to belong at school and there are kids who prey on these type off kids. But what causes it, low self esteem, fear of the other kids or maybe insecurities that are born from the home? When parents can't find or make time for their kids then these kids, especially if they are easily influenced will find comfort with the wrong crowd or group off people. I try my best to spend time with my family as a whole and individually and I also factor in "My Time"


Hi Peeps Please check out this link and help anyway you can especially with your prayers STOP KONY CAMPAIGN

Study Time...

Well guys I failed my exam last December so i have to repeat it come June. Like i said before I hate to study @ this age I should be travelling, liming and trying to keep my home as nice as possible. But i have to resume studies, steups.  ACCA just go all out to make exams a difficult as possible and they certainly don't care if you are married, have kids and is working.

Bullying @ Schools

Hey peeps, I'm back, sorry I took so long but i decided to eat, wash some clothes, iron and get my rotations groove I'm in bed now so we can chat a little

Today is.....

Hey peeps sorry about last night but when i came back from my lime I was so tired and sleepy i just did not have the right frame off mind to continue our discussion on "Bullying @ Schools" You know kids, I'm now in the right frame off mind to continue with our thoughts on this pressing issue and my 6 year old said he is hungry....hmmmm, no rest for the wicked Well I'm gonna make him something to eat and be right back before he dies off hunger BRB peeps

Saturday is too short

Hey guys why does Saturday have to be so short? I just catch myself rushing here there and every where to try and get everything done so Sunday i can just rest, chill out or go hang out.. Being a wife, mother, studying and the manager off self and a household, not forgetting being employed is not an easy task. I sometimes wonder how and where I get the energy from, I guess that is why we women can multi task and men can't do any more than one task at a time.. So where we women can take a Saturday and spread the hours like butter to give our selves more time men are either stuck with just washing the car, feeding the door or changing the channels on the remote then sleep... So women let us give ourselves a great big pat on the shoulder. Talk to meh men am I right or wrong?? Where is your voice. Take care

A Trinidad Vacation...

V acation 1 Vacation2 Vacation 3 Rivers & Waterfalls Tobago Beaches

No Confidence Motion is on!!!!

Well Peeps the "No confidence motion in our prime minister, raised by the opposition leader is on!! Tune in to the Parliament Channel guys..things hott hott The Speaker's blood is boiling Parliament hott, hott, hott for days Tune in guys My eyes & ears are glued P.S March 17th Well guys the opposition got no where with this little antic....I think the leader should have left this alone and continue to plan or strategise for next elections....AND THE SAGA CONTINUES......... Laterzs Peeps

Lunch Time

Good Day Peeps... You won't believe what happened to me this lunch time!! I FELL!!!! I went to give blood today and of course i was unsuccessful...i had a broken finger nail with a plaster...Imagine, any ways on my way back to the car i tripped on a hole and went tumbling down... Don't worry guys i'm ok but damn mad because i broke anotHer NAIL!!!! Steups man any ways its lunch time and i'm having Chinese vege soup with wantons. It is so delicious.. Look out for a pic in a sec Laterzs Peeps

My Time

Peeps do remember to take "time out" for yourself....& treat yourself This month is the buying me something month I'm gonna buy me a nice handbag...look out for the pics this weekend peeps What are you folks gonna get yourself??? Laterzs peeps

Vacation in Trinidad...yay!!!

Guys don't forget to pen Trinidad & Tobago into your vacation plans.....check out these 2 links Let me know what you think....this is just a sneek peek Peek1 Peek2 Peek3 Don't forget to check your BBM at aLL times (Body, Behaviour and Mind) lol. Laterz peeps 

Bullying @ Schools

Hi My Peeps just some thoughts on "Bullying @ schools" . For those off you who may not know it, bullying starts @ home. The type of relationship we  have with our kids @ home will shape and determine how they will behave @ home and @ school. We are not our children friends but we are their loving parents. I have a 17yr old ( yes i do ladies and i know i look fine) and a 6yr old, both boys.  As we go along i will share some tips off mine on dealing with both groups teens and toddlers, it ain't an easy job.  I have 6 steps to managing your kids so they do not become apart off "Bullying @ schools" We will be looking @  1. Talking to our kids (not all the time plain talk bad manners works) 2. Sharing with your kids 3. Listening to them 4. Giving support  5.Watching them (all kids are different so we may have to be watch some a little closer) 6. Last, have fun & enjoy them Once we can develop a healthy relationship with our kids then they will have a...